Read what I write and you'll find glimpses of the strange little world I live in.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Do you ever stop and think?

Think of how lucky you really are to have a roof over your head, water and food, warm clothes and a comfortable bed to sleep in. Are you appreciative of your good health, if you are in good health? I take these things for granted way too often so as a result I make myself sit and write about the most simplest of things that we so often forget to appreciate. Without these we wouldn't really be able to survive.

We sit here and complain about how whatsherface broke up with whatshisface and what dress we're going to wear to the next party and who's gossiping about who and we just ultimately forget that we're lucky. We're so lucky. There are people out there that have little to nothing. Not even a quarter of what we have. There are children who are born into families who cannot support them; not even for one decent meal a day. There are children out there suffering from cancerous diseases and all I can think about is why we're feeling a tad sad today or complaining about how our Iphone just froze for a milisecond during an important text. Appalling on our behalf. I wish I could do so much more than just sit here and think about these people and contemplate and feel bad. I promised myself not long ago that when I earn enough money, I will donate as much money as I can to help those less fortunate than myself.
So fuck spending that extra five dollars on something absolutely irrelevant and give it to someone who really needs it to survive.

If you have a spare $5 and want to make this world a better place you can donate using one of these links:
Hollows  UNICEF  Action Aid

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